Eucharistic Adoration is spending quiet time with the divine Person of our Lord Jesus Christ as he is present in the Eucharist exposed in the monstrance. It is a sign of our belief in the true, physical presence of Jesus in the consecrated Host. It is our response to Jesus’ love for us in staying with us always, “even till the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)
Location: The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration in the Quinn Hall Chapel, located in the former convent building between the church and the school.
Schedule: Wednesdays in the church from 9:00am-7:00pm
Thursdays in the Quinn Hall Chapel from 9:00am-8:00pm
Closings: The chapel is closed during the week of New Year’s, the week of Independence Day, the week of Thanksgiving, and the week of Christmas and Easter. It is also closed when the Montgomery County public schools are closed due to inclement weather. If the schools open two hours late, the chapel opens at 11:00am. Listen to WTOP (103.5 FM) for school closings.
How to Participate: One may participate in a number of ways: as a regular weekly adorer by committing to a specific hour every week, as a substitute adorer by agreeing to stand in on an occasional basis when a regular weekly adorer is unable to come, or as an occasional visitor by coming whenever you want to spend some quiet time in the Lord’s presence. If you would like to be a regular weekly adorer or substitute, please contact the Parish Office at [email protected] or (301) 942-1020.
Access to the Chapel: When you register, the security code is given to you. If you are coming as an occasional visitor, simply knock on the door or go to the rectory (before 4:00pm) and ask for the code.
What Do I Do at Adoration? Adore the Lord in His glory. Give thanks. Read Scripture. Pray the Rosary or the Chaplet of Mercy. Pray for the sick and the faithful departed. Make reparation for the sins of the world. Pray for your family, our community, our country, and the world. Just spend time with Jesus as you would with your best friend. Be silent. Be still. Rest in his peace. There are many prayer helps in the chapel, including the Bible, books, and prayer cards.